
English translation of

There was a co-located workshop called FOOL, or Foundation of Object-Oriented Languages ( It was a gathering of mainly static-type theorists. I snuck into it when I saw David Ungar and Gilad Bracha chatting t…

Pepsi and Coke (No. 6)

I kind of made it sound like "Pepsi and Coke (No. 5)" was the last one, but that is not necessarily the case^^; I got a simple assignment from Ian. The assignment (specifically speaking, I said "I want it" first, and then he said "you can …

Pepsi and Coke (No. 5)

I fetched the "head" tree from the SVN repository of idst and tried to make it run on my Windows machine (again). I said "I tried" but the way I did was just to complain to Ian in person. The issue turned out that some macros (such as _B, …

Pepsi and Coke (No. 4)

I thought I was going to write about the "syntax" thing, but I think it is worthwhile to clarify myself on objects and the execution system first. So, objects. After spending a few days on Jolt Coke, I went back and re-read the page at htt…

Pepsi and Coke (No. 3)

A few notes from Ian.The implementation of "print". The following version would be adequate in the rounded paren syntax. Also, it takes advantage of existing print: method. (define print (lambda (object) [StdOut print: object]))There is "f…

Pepsi and Coke (No. 2)

One of Coke's strength is manipulating syntax trees, like any other lispy languages. In Coke, there are some features that lets you transform a syntax tree into another form. It doesn't have all the features that a sophisticated Lisp macro…

Pepsi and Coke (No. 1)

I'm playing with the "Ian's stuff" last two days. I'm learning by doing and the example project I picked is to write Ruby in it. To do this, one will require to write: - The mapping from the Ruby object model to the Coke one. Since the Cok…